Sports Injuries

Many athletes are sidelined with injuries that could have been avoided, or because their injuries do not respond to traditional medical care. Some injured athletes continue to play, but at less than peak performance because their injuries never heal properly. More and more, coaches and athletes are … [Read more...]

Motor Vehicle Injuries

Whiplash is a word commonly used to describe the mechanism of injury that occurs during a motor vehicle crash. The term was coined in the 20’s and is now used to describe a variety of injuries (predominately to the neck) associated most commonly with auto crashes. Until recently, “whiplash” … [Read more...]


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Degenerative Disc Disease

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Back and Neck Disorders

Back and Neck Disorders People with a back or neck disorder typically think of their problem only in terms of their symptoms.  They focus on their back pain, their neck pain, the pain and numbness in their arms or legs.  These symptoms, however, can be caused by many different conditions.  … [Read more...]